
Nerves help us feel. We feel pain, cold, hot, pressure and pleasure. We also feel nervous, excited.  Yesterday at work I started using the computer on a live call . OMG I was typing like I had never seen a keyboard before.  I was afraid it might hurt me. I had to explain that I really don’t type that slowly. It is funny how nerves can incapacitate us.  I have used computers for work for many many years and know my way around the keyboard.  I was useless.  Now today will be much better I am sure.

I have had many jobs and many first calls, but that still doesn’t stop the nerves. I’m nervous about do I know the information, if not do I know where to find it. Do I say the scripting correctly, did I ask all the questions I needed to… Through all this nervousness you still need to sound confident as you are giving the information. You can’t let the caller know they are your first call. The second call is ALWAYS much better. By the second day of taking calls you almost feel like a pro.

There are also physiological things that happen, your heart starts beating fast, your hands shake a bit, your breathing changes. You just need to take a deep breath and jump in.  It is always better when trying new things that you do it that way.  If you try to do it slowly you will talk yourself out of it.  Just think of your first kiss, you had to feel this way.

It is a good thing that we have nerves because they can always warn us of a pending danger. You just need to identify the feeling and act appropriately.  No matter how bad the feelings are just know the feelings will NOT kill you.  Once you have conquered the fear the feelings go away. So, as I am doing again today, you need to just jump in and handle it.  It will be worth it.  Good Luck everyone and have a great day!

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